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22 km
(Map) Winterrunde - Pizza, Spandau, Pizza (Winterrunde)

Pizza, Olympiastadion, Spandau, Heerstraße, Postfenn, Olympiastadion, Pizza

Elevation Profile of Winterrunde - Pizza, Spandau, Pizza
Actions Map
h min s

0.0 kmPOI(Map) TU Sporthalle (Waldschulallee)
Waldschulallee 71
14055 Berlin

Changing of clothes and showers are available.
21.8 kmPOI(Map) Railing (Harbigstraße / Waldschulallee)
14055 Berlin
0.9 kmPOI(Map) Ampel Heerstraße
- orientation -
1.8 kmPOI(Map) Kreuzung Neu-Westend
- orientation -
2.2 kmPOI(Map) Abzweig Pizza
- Begin of Pizza extension -
3.5 kmPOI(Map) Kehrtwende Pizza
- Underpass subway of Pizza extension -
4.3 kmPOI(Map) Ende Pizza
- orientation -
4.8 kmPOI(Map) Olympisches Tor
- Main (east) gate of Olympiastadion -
5.3 kmPOI(Map) Südtor Olympiastadion
- orientation -
6.5 kmPOI(Map) Westtor Olympiastadion
- West gate of Olympiastadion -
6.9 kmPOI(Map) Abzweig Spandau
- orientation -
8.4 kmPOI(Map) Spandau Unterführung
- Underpass urban railway -
9.1 kmPOI(Map) Spandau Abzweig Dorf
- orientation -
10.3 kmPOI(Map) Spandau Dorf Ende
- End of lighted roads -
10.6 kmPOI(Map) Spandau Holz-Stege
- orientation -
11.3 kmPOI(Map) Spandau Ende (Heerstraße)
- End of lighted roads -
12.0 kmPOI(Map) Heerstraße Treppe Havelchaussee
- Steps from Heerstrasse down to Havelchaussee -
12.5 kmPOI(Map) Bootsstege (Havelchaussee)
- orientation -
13.1 kmPOI(Map) Beginn Postfenn
- Lower tail of Postfenn -
14.7 kmPOI(Map) Ende Postfenn
- Upper tail of Postfenn -
16.3 kmPOI(Map) Südtor Olympiastadion
- orientation -
16.9 kmPOI(Map) Olympisches Tor
- Main (east) gate of Olympiastadion -
17.3 kmPOI(Map) Ende Pizza
- orientation -
18.2 kmPOI(Map) Kehrtwende Pizza
- Underpass subway of Pizza extension -
19.5 kmPOI(Map) Abzweig Pizza
- Begin of Pizza extension -
19.8 kmPOI(Map) Kreuzung Neu-Westend
- orientation -
20.7 kmPOI(Map) Ampel Heerstraße
- orientation -
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